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Team Coaching

Achieve desired results and outcomes as a CEO and help your management team improve performance

30 minThe coaching is held at Brighter Leaders, your company or online

Beskrivning av tjänsten

- What strengths do leaders in your management team have that when used together create synergy and effectiveness? - What would need to happen for your team to get to the next? With the help of a business and leadership developer with broad experience, you get the opportunity to go from a group to a high-performing team, where both the team and each individual member feel better, gain increased motivation and energy and develop. It is useful for a management team to reflect regularly on how you work together, to become aware of areas for development as well as push yourselves to thing out of the box, move outside the comfort zones you have both as individuals as well as a team. Several management groups benefit from this service. It's time to turn your team into a high performing team. Brighter Leaders is here to give you the tools and perspective you need to succeed. To book a 30 minute meeting, to find a program that fits you to achieve desired results and outcomes as a CEO and help your management team improve performance, please click on the box below "30 Minute Discovery Call" and follow the next steps.


+46 70 548 3112

Parkering finns Vendevägen 89, Danderyd, Sverige

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